One-key Free WiFi Internet Access
Haven't you believe then just have a try ;)
The all-new PCFaster V5.0 makes your PC faster than ever.
New version download address:
WIFI Official website:http://www.pcfaster.com/en/wifi.php
 PCFaster WiFi Hotspot creates a permanently free "wireless router" for users.
1.WiFi Hotspot one-key activation: wireless sharing has never been easier.
2.On average, PCFaster users create WiFi hotspots 200,000 times a day.
PCFaster's free WiFi sharing allows you to easily share your computer's network so you can access the Internet on your cell phone or tablet for free. It also allows you to create a local area network to transmit documents or play games.WiFi sharing fully supports both Win7 and Win8. PCFaster WiFi sharing currently supports Win7 and Win8. As long as your desktop is equipped with a wireless network card (or your laptop's wireless network card is on) and the computer can access the internet, you can create a WiFi network. The range of the WiFi network depends on the power of the network card. Usually the range is 10-50m.

  1. Turn your computer into a wireless hotspot for your cell phones
2. The hotel has no WiFi, so how can you use your cell phone to surf the web? 
Use WiFi Hotspot to turn a wired network into a wireless network!
3. No wireless router out in the countryside?
Use WiFi Hotspot to instantly transform your PC into a wireless router!
4. The PC uses a 3G network card. How can you get online with your cell phone?
Use WiFi Hotspot to create a network and share it with your cell phone!
1. Open PCFaster and find PCF WiFi Hotspot on the homepage or in the toolbox.

2. Click "Create Hotspot"
3. Use WiFi hotspot one-key activation to launch a network.
If you cannot create a WiFi hotspot, please view WiFi solutions.
Looking for a solution for your PC problems? Why don't you come here Baidu PC Faster>>


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